Is Building A Product With An Emerging Technology Worth It?

The High-Stakes Game of Emerging Technologies: Building vs Betting Someone Else Will Build It For You

William Anderson
6 min readJan 22, 2023
DALL·E 2023–01–18 13.14.51 — an expressive painting of humanoid robots building a machine on a yellow background.png

It can be a daunting task to navigate the choices of building or buying a solution, especially when the options available in the market are limited. As someone who has led engineering for a company in the blockchain space, I know the struggles of trying to innovate and create new solutions when the industry is still developing.

When it comes to building software, the classic question is always whether to build or buy a solution. However, in emerging technologies, the solutions you need may not yet exist. It can be tempting to think that building it yourself is the only option, but for tech that is not core to your business model, this can be a costly and risky decision.

When leading a company in the crypto space and separately integrating AI into one of the worlds most known brands 5 years ago, we were doing some really cool stuff, but the issue was that we didn’t have options for vendors or technology partners.

So, we built our own, really good ones.

But by the time we were done with each piece of technology we needed, we would start to see startups dedicated to nothing but…



William Anderson

Engineering Leader | Technology Leadership with Transformative Impact | Ex: @VoiceHQ , @Forbes | Jr Board @NYHomeless |